Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A note to my fans in...err....Russia.

WARNING: This blog contains references to information technology. Not suitable for technophobes.

A lot of people lately have been asking me if I can see who is reading my blog. With a certain amount of fear in their eyes. The answer is yes, of course – Jimmy, I can see that you’ve read the blog entry ‘The Sex and the Cash Theory’ 25 times. Naughty boy.

Just joking. That would be, like, illegal.

But I can see a whole host of other information which is really quite interesting, in a geeky kind of way. And all at the click of a button – which is useful when you are a person like me who hasn’t even figured out how the fax machine works yet, let alone a computer.

One of the things I have found most interesting is the top ten countries that people come from. Most of them I can account for, but not all. Here they are, in order:

1.       Australia – ooohhhh, big surprise there!
2.      United States – where they probably think I am Austrian and am surprised I speak English so well.
3.      United Kingdom
4.      Canada
5.      New Zealand
6.      Thailand
7.      Singapore
8.      Russia – now this one has me really baffled. I can only assume that it is because I have referenced vodka in a couple of my posts.
9.      South Africa
10.  Germany – maybe I made more friends at the Oktoberfest in 1998 than I realised…..

Somewhere further down the list are Qatar, China, India and Estonia. I am quite keen to get a Chinese following actually – imagine that, I’d get about a billion pageviews a month.

I can also see what operating systems you are all using to look at my blog – 50% from Windows Explorer, 22% from i-phone’s, 17% from Mac’s, and 2% from i-pad’s. So, at least 41% of my followers are cooler and more creative looking than me with your fancy apple products. In case you didn’t read my blog about buying my Dell computer, I hate you.

And how do people find my blog? Well, a lot of you come to it from Facebook, Twitter or Google. Google is how all my Russian fans found me.  The searchwords that people have used have been everything from hilarious to mortifying. While “Bora Bora Martial Arts Ninjitsu” was interesting, as was “Corporate head shot Toledo Ohio”, I simply found “corporate girl sex” a little horrifying. I can only hope they didn’t look at my profile photo while they, you know, played….monopoly.

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