I have found in recent weeks that there seems to be a common theme to the questions I am being asked so I thought I would jot them all down in a list. This way my friends and family can just read my blog and not have to talk to me, which some of you may prefer. It would also suit me as then I can save my voice in preparation for appearing on Oprah’s book club. I can also just print out a copy of this blog post and hand it out when anyone asks a question. Don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.
I have considered the fact that maybe people are only asking me these questions to be polite, but I quickly dismissed it. Surely there could be nothing more interesting for people to think or talk about than me?
So, here they are (in reverse order, to build the anticipation towards number one):
10. When are you moving out? Thursday (see previous blog post)
9. What are you doing with all your furniture? As well as their middle daughter, Billy and Naz are getting a garage full of furniture, which I am sure will come in handy when they need a third fridge.
8. When are you finishing work? Last day the office is open before Christmas - 23 December. I envision I will be doing a lot of work that week.
7. Are you insane? No, not that I am aware of.
6. Have you won lotto? Ditto.
5. Have you found your replacement yet? Yes, Kay starts on 20 December. I am sure she must be the only person in Australia starting work the week of Christmas, but when I was asked if I would be willing to come back in for a few days in the New Year to do a handover, I contemplated it for about three seconds and said no.
4. Have you started writing your book yet? Yes and No. Is that non-committal enough for you? Started writing but now have fantabulous new idea that I want to write more. Busy writing it in my head at the moment, preparing to commit it to the page.
3. When do you leave for London/have you booked your flight yet? Probably early February, only tickets booked yet are for flying by the seat of my pants.
2. Can I come with you? All welcome, but only if you are quiet and non-distracting.
And the number one question I am being asked (drum roll please):
1. Are you getting excited? I think there is something wrong with me. I am one of these weird people who doesn’t get excited for a holiday until my plane has landed at the destination. I didn't even get an adrenalin rush from sky diving. I think I am disappointing people when they ask me “Are you getting excited?” and I look at them with a blank expression and say “Ah, not really”. I will soon, when it all feels a little less surreal.
And there you have it – Kathryn’s top 10. Any others, send me a text, email, blog comment , leave a voice mail, employ a sky sign writer or send me a message in a bottle. I will add it to the list.
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