Thursday, November 18, 2010

No backing out now

Turns out I am not irreplaceable after all - my replacement officially accepted today!!  Start date approximately four weeks looks like I will need to ask Santa for that divine inspiration for Christmas after all.

It only took 12 interviews in the end. No need to rush these things. But the wait was worth it - couldn't have hoped for anyone better to take over the reins - I don't even mind that I think we have employed someone who is going to show me up. I will be too busy churning out my 2500 words a day to be too worried about that I suspect.

Wonder if I should be concerned that I am now out of a job but have not yet signed the paperwork for my new role. Putting a lot of faith in the goodwill of the corporate powers that be.


  1. Very exciting Kath - let the fun begin!!! xx

  2. Congratulations!! Good luck with the handover!
