Thursday, August 19, 2010

Going cold turkey on the chicken chippies

Something big happened today. Huge. A significant milestone in my corporate to creative journey.

I cancelled my Qantas Club membership.

Not only will I barely be leaving Red Hill and the comfort of my pyjamas for six months, let alone requiring the services of an airport, but it is simply a luxury I will well and truly no longer be able to afford. And the QC is not cheap - in fact, I actually think it's a total rip off and I can't believe no one has actually cottoned on to that yet. I have never before heard of anyone being able to charge such an exorbitant amount of money to serve potato salad and chicken chippies. Even Greasy Harry's on Caxton Street used to only charge $2 for 15 chicken chippies, and at 4am that was seriously considered gourmet catering. 

I do find it amusing seeing all of these self-important business people lining up for their chicken chippies, piling their plates to overflowing. The hot food almost becomes a tradeable commodity in the QC during peak hour. I prefer to get my money's worth from the wine, but have figured I would almost need to join AA if I were ever to be successful in achieving that.

I can only imagine what Eckhart Tolle thinks of airline lounges.

But as much as I may mock it....I did hesitate, just a little, as a I hovered over my Qantas Club card with scissors in hand before swiflty chopping it in two. I do love my chicken chippies.

1 comment:

  1. Don't they have chicken chippies at sizzler? Cheaper than qc.
